Salesmsg for HubSpot Tickets
The Salesmsg HubSpot integration just got better with the addition of Salesmsg to HubSpot Tickets. You can now rely on Salesmsg texting and calling to handle your HubSpot tickets like a pro.
Granular Opt-outs Management
Do you use short codes, local numbers and toll free numbers to reach your customers? With Granular Opt-outs Management you can manage the opt-out status of each contact across all the numbers with ease.
Salesmsg User Merge Fields
Have you ever wished you did not have to type your signature every time you texted a prospect a or a customer? With User Merge Fields, adding your signature at the end of a text is one click away.
Broadcast Filters
Broadcasts is one of the most used features on Salesmsg, so you likely have a long list of them. To simplify navigation and management, we add Broadcasts Filters with tons of flexibility.
HubSpot Deal Based Workflows
Last month we added Salesmsg Actions & Triggers for deal based HubSpot workflows. Now with the power of SMS you can now close those deals faster than ever.