Ability to Search for HubSpot List in Broadcast Filter
Varying Ant
As a Salesmsg user who uses the Broadcast feature, I'd like the ability to type and search for HubSpot lists, in addition to seeing the different lists populate.
This will be helpful when there are several HubSpot lists, and searching through each one is tedious.
Created by Aida Keene
Tawheed Al-towaitee
Merged in a post:
Alphabetize Lists & Make Searchable
Vanilla ice Grasshopper
Any lists in HubSpot (adding new numbers, selecting inbox, using hubspot lists in broadcasts) are just in random order, and they are very hard to find if you have many users or many lists. It would make my life as well as all of our users lives much easier if the lists were simply alphabetized, but making them also searchable would be even better.
Vanilla ice Grasshopper
Also just alphabetizing the lists would be helpful