Branded Calling
Sergey sundukovskiy
As a user, I brand my outbound calls with a display name, a call reason and my logo that would display on the recipient's screen to boost answer rates.
Tawheed Al-towaitee
Merged in a post:
change outbound calls label
Lichen Gecko
My phone # shows up as "Hudson CO" when making calls. I would like it to say "Discover Strength Boulder" so people don't think it is spam
Chris Brisson
Hey Lichen Gecko, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific name or label would you like to appear for outbound calls?
- Is there a specific format or character limit for the label you want to use?
- Are there any other numbers or labels you would like to customize for outbound calls?
Sergey sundukovskiy