'Message Failed Reason' Contact Property
Eggshell Penguin
As a Salesmsg user, I want to see the 'Failed Reason' property for message sends while reviewing contacts and segments, so that I can easily identify the reasons for failed message sends (e.g., Carrier Violation, Unreachable Destination, Landline, etc.) and take corrective action efficiently.
Created by Jordan Shuey
Tawheed Al-towaitee
Merged in a post:
Add "Failed Reason" column to Contacts Page
Eggshell Penguin
Adding a Failed Reason Column to the Contacts page would improve the ease of management for undelivered text messages. The Message Status column allows me to see a text wasn't delivered, but not the reason. Reason would allow me to Opt-out by Error Code and Reason rather than having to open each contact to determine why the message failed. This would help me with 10DLC compliance as well as reducing the usage of credits to send to undeliverable numbers.
Account Manager
Merged in a post:
Failed messages inbox view
Eggshell Penguin
A customer requested that we bring back the failed messages inbox view, since it made the process of reviewing and resolving failed messages much easier. Without that view, the customer now has to setup a contact filter and use that to access each conversation with a failed message, which takes much longer
Account Manager
Merged in a post:
Failed Conversation Search Filter
Alex Molloy
As a Salesmsg user, I would like the search tool on the Conversations page to add a search filter for failed reasons so I can review and address all conversations that recently failed.
Account Manager
Merged in a post:
Filter By Failed Reason
Wooden Marmot
Filter by Failed Reason to allow to build a list of failed messages due to "Throttled" response.
System is not sending all messages due to too many requests? These contacts have been skipped
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Include Error Code with Message Status in Contacts Filter
Eggshell Penguin
As a Salesmsg user, I'd like the ability to filter my Contacts by Message Status and Error code. This will allow me to easily review and opt out based on reason - rather than having to view each contact with a "Failed" message status.