

New! External Webhooks

Make integrations between Salesmsg and your favourite apps more efficient than ever with External Webhooks! Our no-code solution that will take your user experience to a whole new level.
Low-code Integration
Our webhooks are a great way to get notified on Salesmsg events. You can integrate with apps and run automation without burdening your developers.
Instant Notifications
From a missed call to a new message, there is a trigger for it all! With over 20 events, you can get notified about everything happening on Salesmsg.
Manage Your Webhooks
Take control of your webhooks! Create, edit and delete them like a pro and get the inside scoop thanks to history tracking for each webhook.
Trigger Event Information
For each Salesmsg trigger you add to your webhook, you can view detailed information about how the response is going to look like in JSON format.