New at Salesmsg for HubSpot users: We're excited to announce our latest Salesmsg updates, packed with innovative features that change the way you manage your HubSpot contacts.
Use PhoneCheckr in HubSpot Workflows
Sending automated texts from HubSpot workflows? Now you can use our PhoneCheckr tool to ensure you’re only texting valid phone numbers from now on. (You can set this up with two clicks.)

Call Outcomes in Activity
Imagine knowing exactly how each sales call goes. Was the call connected, unanswered or busy? Find out in seconds by checking the outcome in HubSpot Calls. It’s now updated automatically.

Search HubSpot Users
Find HubSpot users in seconds! Introducing seamless searching in "User Mapping." Just type at least one character from the user’s name and boom! Instant filtered results. No need to refresh the page.

Automatic Failure Detection for Broadcasts
No more failed broadcasts! Introducing automatic failure detection and notification for removed HubSpot lists. When you try to send a broadcast to a deleted list, we’ll detect the issue and let you know.