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We are excited to announce the launch of our new Salesmsg Public API, which provides a more powerful and flexible way for businesses to integrate Salesmsg functionality into their existing systems and processes.
More API Capabilities!
Salesmsg is now an API First Platform. Anything you can do via Salesmsg Web User Interface, from sending a single text to running a broadcast, can be accomplished using our API. We went from 9 API Groups to 25.
Expanded API Capabilities
We have expanded many of the existing API Endpoints, providing more coverage and additional functionality to allow for complex automations that go deep into the detailed feature and platform capabilities.
Multiple API Integration Flows
In addition to the Personal Access Tokens we are providing additional OAuth2 authorization flows, allowing 3rd-party applications to build on top of Salesmsg platform for a completely custom experience.
Detailed Documentation and Examples
The new version of our API comes with detailed documentation and a full set of sample data elements. Salesmsg API documentation is a step-by-step guide on how to get started.
Give it a Test Drive
Experiment with all the API capabilities in real-time, in the programming language of your choice or using our Public API interface. You no longer need a Salesmsg account to try things out.