Social Media
Search for & Invite CRM Contacts
Inviting members to Salesmsg just got a whole lot easier! You can now search the contacts of all your connected CRMs by simply typing part of a name or an email address.
Extend Access to Your Personal Inbox
Add members to your personal inbox and give them the ability to respond to messages on your behalf. Create a shared inbox only when you truly need one.
Request Salesmsg Access in HubSpot
HubSpot users can now request access to Salesmsg right from the Contact window in HubSpot. Admins can easily approve or revoke requests from Salemsg settings.
Mobile Navigation Improvements
The Salesmsg mobile apps got a fresh design update to make navigation across inboxes, conversations, contacts, and broadcasts easy and delightful.
Keep Track of Calling Activity
With Calling finally part of Salesmsg, the Analytics dashboard is now extended to show calling metrics including inbound, outbound, and forwarded calls.