Breakdown Call Transcript by Speaker
Tawheed Al-towaitee
As a user, I want my call and voicemail transcript to be broken down by speaker instead of a one text blob.
Tawheed Al-towaitee
Merged in a post:
Organized transcripts by speaker in sales message and HubSpot
Structural Grasshopper
It’s too hard to read the current formatting of the transcripts
Chris Brisson
Hey Structural Grasshopper, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- How would you prefer the transcripts to be organized by speaker?
- Are there specific features or formats from other platforms that you find helpful for reading transcripts?
- What specific challenges are you facing with the current transcript formatting?
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Who's Who in the Transcript?
Maroon Lark
The voicemail transcripts currently show a long list of words and sentences without making any distinction between speakers. I would like to see the transcripts formatted to look more like a movie or film script, and less like a stream of consciousness.
Maroon Lark
We'd love for this to more closely mirror Aircall's transcription by denoting who was speaking -